
As the technical reports and contributions are directed to the experts and interested persons, the results of the project should be shared with the general public too. In order to reach that goal the press and public broadcasting are used. Prior to the project's final conference in Görlitz, the project results were made available to the public through interviews with regional media.
In order to reach that goal newspapers and public broadcasting are used:
- Newspaper article in Sächsische Zeitung of 11th June 2014 - In Ostsachsen wird es immer trockener (author: Stephan Schön)
- Interview at Radio Lausitz 12th June 2014
- Interview at mdr Aktuell on 12th June 2014
- Interview at mdr Info on 12th June 2014
- Interview at mdr Sachsenspiegel on 12th June 2012
- Article in Gazeta Obserwatora IMGW Vol. 2-3/2013
- Article in Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytutu Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego 12 (22) 2012
The meetings within the KLAPS project are helpful to coordinate the work between the project partners. Partial results of the work packages, in which the project objectives are divided are presented and the further proceeding, e.g., calculations of meteorological indices, are discussed. The project meetings are held in the English language.
The workshops for stakeholders inform the target groups about the projects results of the climate analysis, the regional impact of climate change on bioclimate and agricultural climate, the analysis of the transport of air pollutants and the impact of the changing climate on the critical load of ecosystems.